Hello World!
It’s a hobby, it’s a passion, and it’s a way of getting
everything out of my system.
Actually, this is my second attempt of creating a blog. Three years ago, I started reading blogs and I was amazed by the amount of free products that bloggers get to review. At that time, I was an university student, I had enough free time, I was ready to explore a new hobby; I loved getting free stuff, so I decided why not start a blog.
Soon enough, I got obsessed with my blog. I was not organized and I was wasting a lot of time researching strategies how to quickly grow my blog. I was focused on gaining followers, increasing page views, getting more products for reviews. I guess I just wanted to be successful and maybe make some money out of my blog. Then, I graduated and I found a full-time internship. As I started working, I found it more difficult to feel motivated to spend time working on my blog. I realized that I was bored and after struggling to write posts and keep up with the reviews I closed my blog and decided to delete it permanently. That was around two years ago…
I love sharing and the idea that somewhere in the wide world there are people interested in what I have to say and can relate to what I am experiencing makes me excited. So, the thought of being a writer and sharing my life never left me. However, I was afraid that if I start a new blog I will get bored again. So I just didn`t.
Then, a couple of months ago while I was sitting home alone, thinking about my life, my problems and my everyday struggles, I said to myself : “why not share, maybe this will help me, maybe I can benefit from sharing, maybe others will benefit from what I have to say.” At that time, I was unemployed, stuck at home alone, while my husband was off to work, living in a foreign country without my friends and without any social life. I just missed the interaction. So, I started my blog – What Comes Next? Unfortunately my situation has not changed a lot since then, but I have found that blogging relaxes me and takes my mind off my problems.
This time I’ve decided that I will do it for myself. I will take it slowly, still trying to reach as much people as possible, but writing because I want and not because I have to. Not putting pressure on myself to write as much blog post as possible, looking for key words and torturing myself with boring topics. Blogging is a hobby and I am ready to share!
So just remember, do it because you feel passionate about it. Write because you really want to share!
Share because you care!
Thank you for reading!