Thursday, November 20, 2014

Happiness is Everything: Guest Blog Post by Tab

 Greetings Everyone!!

My name is Tab and I am the author and creator of – Fashion, Beauty, and Inspiration blog!  I enjoy blogging about fashion, style and all things girly, however I especially love touching on topics dear to my heart such as inner beauty, self-love and happiness…..Today I wanted to share with you all my thoughts on the beauty of happiness and living a life full of joy!!

I absolutely love getting all dolled up with make-up, hair and cute outfits, however I know for a fact that make-up and hair cannot cover up unhappiness or bring unsurmountable joy.  I know a lot of times we tend to try and cover up fear, doubt and worry.…but at the end of the day, who are we when the heels come off and lipstick is wiped away? 

Happiness is Everything! 

Being free from negativity and people who may try to hinder you from your hopes and dreams is the key to entering into a place of happiness and joy.  You would be amazed at how much happiness your life can be filled with just by thinking positive thoughts and dwelling on the good instead of the bad.  Exuding positive energy into the universe is another way of coming into a state of peace and joy.  Being thankful and giving to others - whether it be time, a simple compliment or a smile are all ways of sending out positive vibes wherever you go.  All of this will fill your heart with joy and soon thereafter, all of the negativity will seem smaller and smaller and the bad thoughts will soon become afterthoughts! 

The beauty of happiness and living a life full of joy can be simple only if we allow it.  A beautiful person loves hard, smiles big and gives until the giving runs out!  Situations and circumstances may change, people may come and go, but at the end of the day, if you are at peace within and truly happy as a person, your life will always be full of joy and the world will see just how BEAUTIFUL you really are!! True beauty shines from within and if a person is feeling good on the inside, it will show outwardly! 

I hope you all enjoyed this post and special thanks to Ines for featuring me on her blog today.  This has been fun!  I absolutely love working with other bloggers and meeting new people.  Please visit me at and let’s connect.  I would love to hear from you!
Until next time....Stay Beautiful & Keep it Humble!

Twitter/Instagram:  @humblebeauty29
Google +:  Tab “Humblebeauty” K.