Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sunday Rewind: My Week in Review

Happy Sunday everyone!

Raise your hand if you aren't quite ready to head back to work yet…

Can you believe that in just about a week in a half, we will all be sitting down to a turkey dinner? December is right around the corner and there's nothing more I'm looking forward to than Christmas and finishing my last undergraduate semester! 

Woop woop!

Let's take a look into my week in review:

Row One
Last Sunday, I woke up to the smell of pancakes bubbling and bacon sizzling. When I finally got the energy to get out of bed, I was greeted by my boyfriend and an amazing cup of coffe. Can you see why I'm never letting this one go? He never arises to amaze me. 

On Monday, Brendan came over for a little bit. We caught up on AHS and watched the new season. That's when the other man in my life, Willie my cat, decided to join in on the night. 

The next morning I woke up feeling great and decided to dress a little more casual and laid back for work. Although it snowed lightly, boo, my zip up and vest were all I needed. 

Row Two
Later Tuesday night Brendan came over again. Of course we were created by a different feline this time. Reba made herself right at home in his comfy shoulder. Sadly Brendan hopped on a flight the next day to Florida and is currently on a caribbean cruise. #jealous!

The week continued and not too much happened. This past Friday I went to West End Johnnies, in Boston with a girlfriend. I guess you could say that we are spoiled because we get to dance up on a stage, protected by a wall of guys. I can be such a home body sometimes, antisocial and lazy, so I'm glad that I put myself forward and actually went out.

Row Three
This week, abc family played reruns of Molly Ringwald movies. If you don't know who Molly Ringwald is, I give you permission to go google her now and then come back. The Breakfast Club is my absolute favorite movie. I binge watched it happily in my pjs on the couch. If you've never seen it, I highly recommend it!

This past week I also got the privilege to create my first guest blog post for HumbleBeauty. Tab, who runs the blog, was an absolute pleasure to work with. I've been an admirer from afar for the past few months so when she said she would love to feature me, I was overcome with so much happiness and excitement!

Want to checkout my guest post? Click here.

Finally this past week I was able to yet again stop being anti social and go out with my hometown friends. We went to dave and busters and I had a few drinks and laughs. I'm always happy to go out with absolutely anyone. I love all my friends and I love going out. But I've noticed after my year of being 21 and binging out on going to bars, I've become totally exhausted and prefer staying at home.

I forget sometimes that I still love going out to bars. I think it has something to do with students teaching all day, going to work all afternoon and then going to class… should be interesting to see how I feel come January when I won't have to students teach or attend classes anymore...

Until next time,
xoxo Ines