Sunday, December 7, 2014

25 Days of BlogMas | Day 7

Hello world! 

I slept in this morning until 11am. 

I woke up to the lovely smell of coffee and pancakes. Ever since I can remember, Sunday is always homemade pancake day at my house. 

I layed in bed for about an hour, watching some of my favorite youtubers and cleaning out my phone photo album. 

Around 12:30pm, still laying in bed, there was a knock on my bedroom door. It was my mom and she brought me breakfast in bed :-) 

After finishing my breakfast, of course I continued to lounge around in bed. 

Eventually I had to get out of bed to clean my room. It's become a messy pit and needs to be completely cleaned. Not only do I suffer during the end of the semester, but so do my car and bedroom. 

I'll get to my car eventually...

I spent a majority of my afternoon cleaning my room. Come the evening I was exhausted and starving. My mom made meatballs so I grabbed a plate and sat down in my living room to enjoy it. 

Of course, I was greeted by my snuggle buddy, Willie. 

I tried to take a picture as fast as I could, before he stuck his face into my pasta. Although a little dark and blury, the picture is not half bad. 

After dinner I spent the rest of my night trying to type up the remainder of my lesson plans. 

My portfolio is due Tuesday so I tried to give myself a head start. Usually I do everything the night before, but it looks like I'm growing up.... Scary! Lol. 

Before heading to bed, I quickly did my nails. They were starting to chip, and I hate that! I used my new Seche Vite UV nail polish and a new color Brendan bought me in his vacation. 

Instead of doing a first impressions, I've decided to review the UV Seche Vite. I love the polish, but my first impression of it is totally negative. But, that's because I used it wrong. Oops! 

Now that I've figured it out, I'll practice til I perfect using it, and then review it. 

Sound good?

Well, I'm off to bed! I have work early in the morning and it's my last week of class. 

Almost over!!!

Until next time,