Thursday, December 25, 2014

25 Days of BlogMas | Day 20

Saturday: December 20, 2014


Can we just talk about how exhausted I am !!

I spent the entire morning shopping at the local plaza and mall. I feel like that's all I've been doing the last few days. 

Not only was I trying to get some Christmas shopping done but I was also trying to finish my gift for Yankee swap. 

Eventually I succeeded and came home to make chocolate mousse. The Yankee swap was also a pot luck. 

I helped my mom clean some of the house and I wrapped a lot of gifts! 

7pm rolled around and off I went down the street to my friends house. The Yankee swap was between my close hometown girlfriends; the ones I went to middle school and high school with (one I've known since first grade). 

It's funny because even though it was a Yankee swap, no one swapped. We all loved what we opened up. I got the most beautiful scarf and the game racko!

I felt bad because tonight was Taylor's birthday celebration out at a bar in Boston. Yesterday at the holiday party at her mom's I said I'd probably make it. I didn't expect my hometown friends to be out so late. 

Well no one was leaving so I felt bad ditching. I texted Taylor to let her know I couldn't make it. I felt bad about that too. 

I know I can't please everyone, but I was really looking forward to celebrating her birthday. She was totally understanding and I had told her days before that I had the Yankee swap, but still. 

Anyways, now I'm home, full and exhausted! The good was all so good and it felt great seeing more friends I've neglected over this semester. 

Until next time,