Wednesday: Devember 17, 2014
Keep reading to find out more about this picture...
Waking up this morning was hell!
My alarm went off at 6 am (a whole hour earlier than normal) and I was out the door by 7:15 to pick up my coworker Connor.
I couldn't go to my student teaching because I had a training for my real job.
I had SPARK Training at the YMCA with some of my coworkers and other staff from the other after school programs. There were about 40 of us and we were in the gym for 5 out if the 6 hours.
It was a great training but we were all dead by the end. I also couldn't take a lot of pictures. The training focused on getting children active in the afterschool setting and taught us the curriculum to have that happen.
So what's the best way to learn how to do something? Practice? So we practiced all the gym games.
By the end, my knees hated me.
We all got to work at 2:15 dead. When the kids walked into the afterschool room at 2:35, we just sat there. There was low interaction from all of us but thankfully the kids were low maintenance today.
I'm surprised that when I got home, I had time, energy and desire to string lights on my Christmas tree!
So that's exactly what I did, right after I poured myself a well deserved glass of wine.
Willie retuned to his special spot under the tree where he continued to judge me.
I sat on the floor with my wine and untangled all the lights. It took forever but eventually I did it.
I have to say, I'm so happy about how the tree came out!

Of course Willie made himself right at home...
Now that the lights are on, let's see how long it takes to put up the ornaments, because that's something I'm definitely not going to do tonight.
Until next time,