Monday, December 15, 2014

25 Days of BlogMas | Day 12

Friday: December 12, 2014

Hi guys!

I started off this morning by heading right over to my college to drop of my completed portfolio. 

The sun was finally out, so of course I had to snapchat it!

The best feeling in the world was dropping off my portfolio with the front secretary. I spend all week and every waking minute I had putting that thing together. Passing it in was icing on the cake.

So much closer to being done this semester.
Now I just have to email my last 4 assignments by Sunday night...

I got to my placement around 10:30 am.

I had forgotten it was pajama day in our class but thankfully my outfit totally qualified. I was not in the mood to put on tights and a dress this morning.

If you remember, last Friday was also pajama day. It was spirit week so the whole school wore their pajamas.

This Friday was different. Only out class got to wear pajamas. You see, in our class, they have the opportunity to earn silver balls (aluminum foil crumpled up into a ball). Things such as lining up quietly and putting everything away after indoor recess are opportunities where they can as a whole class earn a silver ball. Once the jar is full, they can vote on a special reward.

They voted for pajama day. With pajama day, they could bring in a stuffed animal...

This tiger was literally bigger than the girl who brought it in, but isn't it amazing!

I had to take a picture.

Anyways, we have a new student joining out class on Monday so I spend the majority of the day working on this poster. I'll have to take a picture of the final product once I get back there. It came out great and all the kids drew a little picture!

Well, after student teaching... you guessed it, I went to work.

As soon as it was over, I was ready to go home! While stuck in traffic, my mom called me. She needed a few things from the super market so I stopped by there onthe way home. I bought myself and redbull lobster roll; a little treat for all my hard work.

It was exactly what I needed!

I spent the rest of the night watching abcFamily Christmas movies.

Well, I'm off to bed early. I can't wait to sleep in!

Until next time,