Thursday, December 25, 2014

25 Days of BlogMas | Day 19

Friday: December 19, 2014

Hi Friends!

I woke up this morning so happy it was Friday! I was ready for the weekend! 

But first, I had to go to Christmas Breakfast with all of my afterschool coworkers. 

Doris picked me up and we met everyone at the local breakfast diner. Christmas breakfast has been a tradition with my coworkers since I started working afterschool 5 years ago. It's when we exchange secret Santa gifts too!

My secret Santa got me the absolute cutest pink wallet! 

I got my person a tea set. Originally I was hesitant because my person was the newest employee, so I didn't know a lot about her. But she loved it! 

After breakfast, I went to the dentist and then to work. 

Because of breakfast this morning I couldn't go to my student teaching classroom again. 

Anyways, after work I quickly ran to the liquor store to pick up a bottle of wine to give to the hosts of a Christmas party I went to tonight. 

I headed home, showered and got ready and Brendan picked me up at 8. 

One of my best girl friends, who I met through my dance team, invited Brendan and me to her mim's holiday party. The invite said everyone had to be 18+ which ment that it was an adult only party. 

It's funny because me and Brendan were super excited! We'd never been to an adult halloween party with real mingling and adult conversations with strangers. 

Well we had fun! Lots of martini drinking and lots of gossiping. 

We left around 11 and went back to Brendan's for a little before I went home. 

Today was just what I needed. Time with friends. All semester I feel like I've been running around, stressed out and short with friends. I've been anti social, lazy and bearly see anyone. So, it was so nice to have a day dedicated entirely to seeing friends who I've totally neglected.  


Until next time,