Monday, August 25, 2014

Looking Back on 2 Years

Our two year anniversary was March 15, 2014.

It's hard to believe that more than two years with my wonderful guy have already flown by, so I thought I would take some time and reminisce about our two year anniversary.

For our 2 year, we returned to one of our favorite places! Abby Lane. One our one year, we decided to grab dinner here after I had tried out the restaurant with some friends. We fell in love and of course had to keep the tradition going.

After dinner, Brendan treated me to The Blue Man group in downtown Boston. It was perfect because we were already in the theater district so we only had to walk over one street to the Charles Playhouse.

The show was awesome and my jaw was open on the ground the entire time!! After the show, we quickly moved to the lobby where we snagged a couple pictures with a Blue Man.

The night was magical and my love couldn't have planned it any better. If we had stayed in and snuggled on the couch all night I would have still enjoyed myself because of who I was snuggling with and the wonderful relationship we have.

Until next time,
Ines xoxo