1) You know he's a keeper because he cares for you.
When it's that time of the month, he invites you over to cuddle to the point where you fall asleep from him rubbing your back. When you've had to much to drink and can't drive home, he's at the bar in 15 minutes because you called him for a ride. When you're childhood pet passes away and he's there to hold you as tight as he can until you stop hysterically crying. When you have a fever and have been throwing up all night, and he shows up at your door with medicine. When you've had the worst day possible and he listens to you recount every detail, no matter how busy or pressed for time he may be.
2) You know he's a keeper because he's a gentleman.
He respects you whole heartedly. I don't just mean he's nice to you either; we are NOT in middle school. He genuinely supports all your decisions, even if they aren't exactly what he wanted. He's there for you when you need someone to cry on and won't be insensitive no matter the situation. He respects what you think. He appreciates your opinions. He opens the door for you. He pays for the movie or dinner. He respects your personal belongings and your well-being. He's also a gentleman because he treats his mother the exact same way as he treats and spoils you.
3) You know he's a keeper because he's sensitive to your needs.
There's nothing worse than an insensitive jerk who won't even give you a comforting hug when you're crying. Let's face it, he laughs in your face and calls you a baby. You don't need that and he's definitely not a keeper!
A keeper is someone who can empathize with you and try to understand what your going through. He is there on your best and worst days. If you need time with you're family and need to cancel plans last minutes, he's understanding and supportive. He knows when to give you your space and when to smother you with love.
4) You know he's a keeper because he lets you be your own person.
There's nothing worth than a jealous possessive person, let alone a jealous possessive boyfriend. We all have that friend who's boyfriend doesn't let them go out with the girls without him dragging along behind. It's like having your own personal stalker. EW!
You know he's a keeper because he understands that you are your own person just like he is his. Sometimes you just want to stay at home, alone in your room watching movies. Other times you want to get all dressed up and go out drinking with your girlfriends. Whatever the case, he supports what you want to do. There's never a reason to fight just because you want to go out with the girls and he wants to go out with the guys. The best part is that when you are together next, you'll have something to talk about and share, only strengthening the bond and happiness in your relationship.
5) You know he's a keeper because he gives you and respects your space.
He understand that you don't always want to hang out when you get home from work. He knows that after hanging out a few days in a row, you need downtime to catch up on what you had going on in your life apart from him. He knows that after getting in a fight with family, you sometimes don't want to see or talk to anyone. He knows not to fuel the fire when you're angry and instead lets you take a walk to cool off. He gets that when you have plans and you suddenly get sick you need to call them off. He's okay with that.
6) You know he's a keeper because he gets along with your friends and family.
Even though a lot of us like to deny the fact that they "don't care what friends and family have to say when it comes to a significant other" deep down inside, it really does matter. Being able to invite your significant other over for family dinner or to parties and get togethers not only improves your bond, but also makes you feel good and happy to see them getting along with everyone else who is use as important to you in your life. When friends and family don't approve of the person you are with, not only does it put some strain on you, but it also puts strain on the relationship. It could potentially lead to unnecessary argument. Take for example that one friend who doesn't get along with your significant other. I've heard of situations where that friend refuses to even hang out in a large group, just because the significant other was invited. Who needs that bs?!
7) You know he's a keeper because he respectfully argues with you.
I believe there is no legitimate reason to ever fight with the person you are dating. Unless they are being sneaky, cheating or lying (in which case you shouldn't even be with them in the first place), then there's no excuse to fight.
He's a keeper because he listens to your side before he shares his. He doesn't scream, swear, punch a wall or get angry while you argue. He tries to find a compromise if you two aren't seeing eye to eye. Likewise, you need to be the same way, or you'll never find a keeper.
On days where you made plans but you get sick and have to cancel, it's important to notice how he reacts. You didn't get sick on purpose. Sometimes it happens. If he gets angry that you've canceled, get rid of him because that's only the start of your troubles. If he gets understandable upset but quickly brushes it off and asks if you need anything, you know right there that he is a true keeper.
8) You know he's a keeper because he's affectionate.
No matter where you are, he isn't afraid to be affectionate. He kisses you and holds you in front of friends and family. One of his favorite things to do is flaunt you, too. He tells you how beautiful you are. He brings you flowers for no reason other than he wants to see you smile. He surprises you with little things that make you happy just because.
9) You know he's a keeper because he listens.
When you've had the absolute worst day at work or in class and he's there to take the full force of your stress, he's a keeper. Even if he has no idea what to say, and he still sits there with his eyes on you, you know he's a keeper. If he's suppose to meet his buddies for hockey or golf, and takes 10 minutes to sit down with you or comfort you, then you absolutely know that he is a keeper. No matter what he is doing or about to do, if he is able to calm you down or take the time to quickly listen, you know you have someone very special in your life.
10) You know he's a keeper because he goes the extra mile.
When you've finally passed a test that you've been stressing out about, he takes you out to celebrate over dinner. When you've had a rough day, he calls you later just to check in with you. When you've been on the hunt for a specific dress you saw in a magazine, he shows up at your house with that dress in a bag. He helps your family with little jobs around the house and doesn't mind sacrificing his own time to be with you.
I'm not saying that you're keeper needs to have all these qualities,
but to find someone that invokes even just a few is a very special thing.
Until next time,
Ines xoxo
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