Sunday, June 1, 2014


Yesterday, on May 31, 2014, Brendan and myself went to the George Strait concert at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro and we had a blast! Of course our night consisted of singing, dancing, drinking beers and #concertselfies.

We went with one of Brendan's work buddies and his group of friends. As soon as we got into the stadium, I didn't even look at the beer; I hand had my heart set on a burger. Can you say #glutton ? HA!

So, there we are waiting in a ridiculously long line of drunk idiots. Of course one of them walks directly up to us and said that he would buy us our beers if he could cut us in the line. 

How could we argue with that logic?! 

Of course we said no problem. Had he been a douche, I'm pretty sure we both would have told him to take a hike, but surprisingly he was really nice, and how can you pass up free beer?

Faith Hill and her hubby Tim McGraw made an appearence, both starting the show off as well as singing duets with George Strait later in the night.

Having grown up listening to those legends on the radio, as my dad drove us to and from school, I was thrilled to create more memories around them. I loved being able to add Brendan to those memories, too. It was also exceptionally special to me because George is on his last tour round the US. The show last night in Foxboro was his second to last before he retires. That's pretty awesome to be apart of. 

George was fantastic live. He performed a set of songs every diehard fan knew and sang them just as if you were listening to him in the car, possibly even better. He's been around since far before I was born so I can only imagine trying to fit decades of music into a two hour how. 

Quite honestly, I thought I would know more of what he played but at times I felt a little lost in the crowd. 

But, that's when I's look around and realize I was also one of the youngest, being 23, in the crowd. 

Nontheless, even though I didn't always know they lyrics, I still listened, swayed my hips, and joined in on the chorus, while wrapping my arms around my very own cowboy :-)

What's your favorite part of the concert experience? 

Until next time,
Ines xoxo