Thursday, June 12, 2014

#VoxBox No1. #VowVoxBox!

I just received my first Vox Box in the Mail and I'm so excited to open it up!

The best part about the Influenster program is that if you quality for a Vox Box, they send you (usually) full sized products to try for free. 

Wait, you don't know what influenster is?!

Influenster is an online website where you can create an account for free, review products and influence others to either buy or not buy those products.

By reviewing products and connecting to your social media accounts, you acquire a score. 
This is known as your impact score.

The higher your impact score, the more people you are able to 'impact' or influence.

Every so often, Influenster comes out with Vox Boxes. 
It's always a surprise until the box arrive on your door step.

Every box has a secrete theme.
To be considered for a box box, you must have reviewed products on Influenster that fall under that box's specific theme.

Then you'll get an email where you take a survey to confirm how qualified you are.

Once your given the OK, they ship you your Vox Box full of samples

It's up to you to review them on your website and share with your friends on social media.

I don't like change or trying new things.
I also don't like spending money on a new product only to be disappointed.

  Influenster is great because whenever I qualify for a Vox Box, I get to try products I other wise would never purchases. 


This box's theme was focused around weddings!

When I originally signed up for influenster I could not figure out how to use it and abandoned it for a few months. Then I say a friend on instagram post about how she qualified for a vix box of free products for review so I gave it another show.

Well, I'm glad I did because the products in the #VowVoxBox are fantastic! It was stuffed with 4 full sized and 1 deluxed sized product along with a 50% off discout code for Riley and Grey, a place dedicated to creating websites for soon-to-be-married couple!

If you'd like to give influenster a try, follow the link before!

What will be the first product you review on Influenster? Share in the comments below!
If you found this blog post at all helpful, make sure to share, follow and give it a +1!

Until next time,
Ines xoxo