I've always loved country music.
Ever since I can remember, it's what my dad listened to in the car on the way to and from school. And he wouldn't sing along, he would whistle; it's one of my favorite memories.
I think it's hilarious considering my dad is a little Portuguese man.
Thank goodness Brendan loves country too. None of my hometown friends are into it, so he's my concert buddy once summertime rolls around.
Because of this, it wasn't until last year in July 2013 that I went to my first country concert. We ended up going to Jason Aldean @ Fenway Park both nights. IT WAS AWESOME!
(Jason Aldean: July 2013)
Tickets are 20 rows back from the stage and I've never been more excited!
It's even more exciting because George Straight is on a farewell tour. His concert at Gillette will be his second to last concert ever, large venue wise. I'm sure he plans to do appearances and play smaller crowds.
If I could go to every country concert MA had to offer, I'd be the happiest girl in the world….
Too bad I'd be too poor to do anything else. haha. But it would all be worth it.
(Update and Pictures from the George Straight concert to follow in a later post)
Until next time,
Ines xoxo