Hello everyone,
You may be asking, where the heck have I been?!
Has Ines quit blogging?!
The last time I wrote a post was on Christmas day. I decided to tackle the 25 day leading up to Christmas and challenged myself in something I called "25 days of Blogmas". Well, that consumed my entire existence and I guess you could say that up until now I've had no motivation to continue writing.
A lot has happened since then... I mean, it has literally been three months.
I am currently sitting in my living room, on my phone. I've refreshed all my social media and nothing has changed. That's when I remembered my poor blog and all of you amazing people! I've been so neglectful and with a little extra time on my hands and some sudden motivation and inspiration, I have decided to challenge myself yet again.
But, this time I challenge myself to never go three months without blogging again.
Since I last posted on My, Myself and Ines, I have...
1. Received my degree!
2. Been given my teaching license.
3. Made the Dean's List.
4. Auditioned for my fifth year as a Boston Cannons Dancer.
5. Auditioned to be a Patriots Cheerleader for the first time.
6. Been given a pay raise at work.
7. Applied to grad school!
8. I turned 24.
9. I went on yet another Caribbean Cruise as a grad gift from Brendan <3
So far March has been the most wonderful month!
That just names a few. There's so much more that has been going on, and each of those things above have so any more details associated with them, so for now I hope to create a blog post dedicated to each of those milestones.
Anyways, I have to get ready for work.
It's so great to be back and I'm super excited to see where this year takes me!
Until next time,